Healing Waters Canine Experience is open and we have limited days that we are here for swims, Monday evening, Wednesday morning and evening, and Saturdays. We are scheduling appointments for 1/4 hr. swims.

Please make your appointments either by calling us at 330 491 3647 or leave a message and we will get back to us as soon as possible.

As our continued business success depends on our wonderful customers, we will work with you in any way you would like, to continue swimming your dogs! 

Judy and Beth



The perfect activity for all dogs, young or old, those with physical limitations or injuries, be it old joints, too much weight, or post surgery. Swimming provides a non-weight bearing activity that avoids all stresses and strains on joints and is a complete workout that offers both muscle toning and aerobic benefits.




Healing Waters Canine Experience is here to support your dog's health and quality of life. We do not provide medical procedures and are not a substitute for veterinary care. For medical advise or treatment please consult your veterinarian.